Friday, 12 September 2014

Want to have a flat belly? Want to reshape your Body? Afraid of Liposuction Surgery?! Non-Surgical Body Contouring is the answer...

No need to despair! Modern Science and Technology has provided for advanced procedures to address this kind of need. There are alternatives to Surgical Liposuction and they are Non-Surgical Lipolysis procedures. Non-Surgical Body Contouring procedures like Tri-Pollar RF,  Cool Sculpting, Endermologie, Mesotherapy have been gaining popularity in the market as they are  pain-free, instant result oriented procedures.

In all these procedures, fat cells are subjected to trauma through extreme conditions like heat and freezing to breakdown the fat cells. This damaged fat is left in the body to be cleared through natural processes. For Example, one of the most popular, latestFDA Approved Body Contouring Procedure like  Tri-Pollar works by emitting controlled radio frequency energy via electrodes  directly onto the skin surface of the treated area as well as the subcutaneous fat layers beneath it. This enables the Doctor performing the procedure to accurately apply the required energy on various body parts and face to remove excess fat without harming the nearby tissues. Hence, TriPollar RF Technology is very ideal for treating delicate sports without any danger.

A typical TriPollar Non-Surgical Liposuction session can take from 30 minutes to one hour depending upon the area being treated. While each session provides visible results, it takes about 4-6 treatment sessions to have lasting results.

Non-Surgical Liposuction procedure like Tri-PollarRF  stimulate  the generation of new collagen to deliver the following advantages:
  • Treatment of sagging skin
  • Smoothing of wrinkles and lines
  • Reduction of the “double chin” effect
  • Improved  appearance of skin due to removal of cellulite
  • Circumference reduction
  • The stimulation of collagen rebirth results in the shrinking of the fat cells, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.

A non-surgical liposuction  is advised for people who are unable to do it with just diet and exercise. It works for people wanting spot fat reduction or those wishing to reshape and contour some stubborn areas of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise. Commonly targeted areas include – abdomen, love handles, outer and inner thigh, buttocks, upper arms, elbows, claves, back, double chin and jowls etc. However, it must be noted that Non-Surgical Liposuction Procedures like Tripollar RF are spot fat reducing procedures and are not weight loss or weight management procedures. After undergoing treatment, it is important to follow a proper diet and exercise regimen to have long lasting results.

Since it does not have side-effects, it is suitable for most people but the older the person is the lower is the reduction or results as one’s metabolism gets sluggish. Therefore, it is not recommended for people above 60 years of age.

Ojas Aesthetic Institute, Hyderabad are pioneers in Surgical and Non-Surgical Liposuction Procedures for body contouring  in Hyderabad utilizing US FDA Approved Tripollar RF Technology for immediate, visible results. Ojas Aesthetic has successfully treated thousands of patients through  Surgical and Non-Surgical Liposuction procedures.  For more information, Please Call now: 94408-46050. 

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